Thursday, October 30, 2014

Module 3 Lesson 2

Here are the pictures from today's math lesson on positive and negative numbers.

Positive and Negative Numbers

We have started a new module in math.  We are learning about positive and negative numbers.  Below are pictures from yesterday's lesson.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Science Fair!

It is that time of year again!  Science Fair Time!  Every scholar is required to complete a Science Fair project of their own this year.  This will account for 100 points of their Science grade.  Please take time to do every step with focus and care.  Today your scholar brought home a Science Fair packet that includes everything you need to get started on selecting your project.  Please sign the top page and return it tomorrow with your scholar.  The paper is worth 4 points and their score will go down 1 grade level every day the paper is late.  Below are pictures of the sheet I need returned in English and Spanish.  I also have included pictures of the Dates for the Science Fair.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Book Orders

I sent home Scholastic Book Club order forms for anyone who would like to order.  This is an excellent way to inexpensively build up your child’s home library.  You can order online with our class code: DV6L4 or you may order using these forms.  Order forms and money are due by Friday, November 7, 2014.  Please make checks payable to “Scholastic Book Club."  If you send cash, please note that the school and I are not responsible for lost money sent to school.  You may combine the totals from the book orders.  

Biomes Videos

Have a listen to this Biomes Song:
Here is a video about Ecosystems and Biomes:
An introduction to Biomes:

Monday, October 27, 2014

Free Books! Free Pizza!

I am very excited to let you know that your scholar was able to choose a book of their choice today for free!  This was made possible through a grant that CJUSD was awarded.  Our district was awarded 12,000 books for free and they were divided up this weekend between 25 schools.  Ask your scholar to share their book with you.  Enjoy reading together!

Your scholar also brought home a certificate for a Free Individual Pizza from Shakey's today.  Enjoy!

Homework Week of October 27th

Above you will see a copy of what your scholar's agenda should look like.  This is our homework for the week. Any unfinished work will also be considered homework.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Math Intervention Program

A few students are bringing home a permission slip to join our before school math intervention program.    Please return permission slips by next Wednesday.  If they cannot attend please email me or write me a note so I can invite another student in their place.  Thank you!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Update on the 180 Day Project

I have enjoyed doing a separate tab/page for the 180 Day Project so far this year.  I am noticing that I am posting the same pictures on both the home page and the 180 Day Project page, so I have decided to just post the pictures here on the home page for the rest of the year.  I will leave the 180 Day Project tab open so you can refer back to it in case you go there for certain items.  Thanks!

Homework Week of October 20th

ELA Packet
AR Reading log - 20 minutes per night
Math Fluency
Work on Biomes Google Slides project
Any unfinished work from class
Study for our upcoming tests

Monday, October 20, 2014

Working with Decimals!

This week we are working with decimals.  Click on the link below to work on your decimal skills more.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Biomes Projects!

Today we chose our partners for our Biomes Google Slides presentations.  Each group was assigned a Biome listed below.  They were all given the rubric and we had a discussion on what is expected from their projects.  The projects will be due in 3 weeks on November 7, 2014.

Moving on to Decimals

We have moved on to adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals.  Below are some pictures from our lesson on Thursday.  Remember to log on to Front Row and do the Number Systems section.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Here is a link to a video for Module 2, Lesson 8 that we were working on today.  Please watch the examples in the video to help you with your exit ticket.  Your exit ticket is due tomorrow.

Here are a few pictures of today's math lesson.

Monday, October 13, 2014

AR Challenges!

As I am sure your scholar has told you, the 6th grade students smashed their challenge of reading 350 points in the first quarter.  They read 1,234.4 points in the first quarter.  To mark this occasion, we all had pies smashed in our faces by our top readers on Friday.  Carolina had the honors in our class.
The new challenge for the second quarter is:
If the 6th graders can read a total of 3,600 points by the end of the 1st semester, Mr. McGinn and Mrs. Puraci will eat bugs.  YUMMY!  Good luck!

Homework Week of October 13th and Conferences

1. ELA Packet (parent signature)
2. AR Reading Log (parent initial)
3. Math Fluency Page
4. Study for Tests on Friday
5. Finish Passion Project (Due Friday)
6. Finish Character Project (Due Thursday)

*Don't forget your conference this week and stop by our book fair.  It will be open daily until 3:00.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Genius Hour Passion Projects

Our due date for the Passion Projects is fast approaching.  They are all due on October 17, 2014, at the beginning of the school day.  EVERY scholar is required to do a Google Slides presentation.  Below are the requirements that your scholar is aware of for their projects.

  1. Title Page (with your name and number)
  2. Question Page
  3. At least 3 graphics/videos
  4. Examples/ Steps for your project
  5. Conclusion Slide
  6. Resources Slide (at least 3 resources)
  7. AT LEAST  seven (7) slides


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Homework - Week of October 6th

1. ELA Packet (parent signature)
2. AR reading log (parent initials)
3. Math Fluency
4. Any Math sheet assigned
5. Passion Project Slides (Due October 16th)
6. Study for upcoming tests on Friday

Interpreting and Computing Division of a Fraction by a Fraction

For our Math Lesson today we continued with Lesson 3. Here is a video to help you with Module 2, Lesson 3:

Below you will see the scholars' group work.  Each group was assigned a different problem, completed a model, did the computation to check their answers, then explained the problem to the class.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Here is a great video to watch for the Science unit we are studying.

This video is on Food Chains.

Science Fair Projects

Last week we watched as Mrs. Clark presented her example of a Science Fair Project to all of our GATE scholars in the upper grades.  She did a wonder experiment on which paper towel brand was the strongest.  Below are a few pictures of her lesson.  You should all be thinking of an experiment for this year.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Module 2, Lesson 3 Group Work and Videos

*On Monday, we will have a quiz on Module 2, Lessons 1 & 2.  Please come prepared!

Below you will see the products of our group work from Module 2, Lesson 2.  Scholars had to work in table groups to complete problems and create a poster.  They then met with another group that had the same problem.  Each group explained how they arrived at their answers.  Next the groups presented the opposite group's poster.  It was a great learning experience for all of the scholars!  Below are links to videos going over Module 2, Lesson 2.

Here is a link to a video on Module 2, Lesson 2:

Here is another video on Module 2, Lesson 2:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Agendas and Typing Club

Please make sure you are checking your scholar's agenda every night.  We update this in class daily.  They also need to have a parent signature each week showing me that you have checked their agendas.  Thank you!

Typing Club is continuing every day Monday - Friday in Room 21 starting at 8:30 am with Mrs. Fosberg.  I am very proud to say that 13 of my scholars are signed up and building their keyboarding skills already!  Please turn in your green permission slip and join in the fun!