Thursday, May 7, 2015

Homework Due Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Friday, May 8, 2015, you have the following items due:
1. Homework Packet
2. Math Fluency
3. BARF Log signed for Week 1 filled in
4. Social Studies newspaper articles

JBMS Orientation

Below you will find a copy of the flyer your child brought home earlier this week.  I hope you all can attend the Parent Orientation at Joe Baca Middle School on May 20, 2015.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

BARF Reports

All students received a BARF log today and have selected a book to read in their reading level to complete their projects.  All BARF projects will be due by Tuesday, June 2nd (NO EXCEPTIONS, if your child will be absent the assignment is still due).  If students have a question about the reading or project they must come and talk to me, I will not check up on them.  PARENTS, you need to sign the BARF log each week for their reading.  If it is not signed they will not receive full credit.  Below are copies of the BARF log, front and back.